Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Fergus Falls "Fat-Shaming" columnist get fired and a taste of what it feels like to be the one judged and alientated
Below is a section from the New York Post - Found here
Columnist gets canned for fat-shaming airline passenger
By Joshua Rhett Miller
February 21, 2017
"A newspaper in Minnesota has parted ways with a fat-shaming columnist who detailed his recent experience flying next to an overweight passenger — saying airlines should consider selling “tickets by the pound.”
Alan Linda, an unpaid columnist for the Fargus Falls Daily Journal, has sounded off on a wide range of topics during his 30 years writing for the newspaper — politics, his children, telephone companies and appliances, to name a few — but his cringe-worthy Feb. 10 column, on sitting next to a 300-pound Georgia man during a flight, will be his last."
You may have heard of the Trojan Horse
but have you ever seen a "Trojan Jack-Ass"?
I’ve experienced several levels of cruel in this world but when someone is laughing inside at someone while being “fake-nice” is one of the lowest of the low. I call people like him a “Trojan Jack-Ass”. When you first meet them you think, “Hey a friend! This is a nice surprise” But once you let your guard down the “ass-door” opens, painfully revealing their true and nasty intentions. I kind of feel bad for Alan Linda for losing his column. It’s harsh to lose something after one mistake, but perhaps this wasn’t a one-time issue. Besides losing his column, he is also taking a lot of heat from the press and social media. He’s being ridiculed, mocked, alienated and judged. With a bit of poetic justice, Alan Linda is getting a taste of what it feels like to be 300 lbs. Well, at least they didn’t “Trojan Jack-Ass” him.
Here's the article if you' like to read it;
Taking notice of the size of people in today’s world
By Alan Linda
Have you noticed the size of people lately? Of course, none of us from the post World War II era can help but notice that kids are a lot taller these days. But people in general are bigger. Wider. Thicker. Got huge belts. No holes left in them. Okay, I give up. I’m trying real hard here not to use the F word.
Fat! Not that other F word. Although this one’s bad enough.
I was on an airplane not too long ago, seated on one of three seats. Guess who my seat partners were? The one on my left was so big, I couldn’t get the arm rest down. If he didn’t weigh 300-plus pounds, then I don’t weigh 165 pounds.
I tried. The arm rest. Tried to get it down. He looked at me, kind of grimaced. And when a 300-plus guy has you effectively pinned in and you can’t even run for it, when they grimace at you, your first thought is: “Oh, man. He looks hungry.”
Not too long ago, I learned that my local theater still had all the old 30s-era seats, which were removed sometime in the late 50s. I installed a couple of short rows of them in the basement. Then I took them out again. There’s a problem — hardly any of my company fit into them. Which was why the movie theater took them out. Hard to sell popcorn dripping with butter to people who already can’t squeeze their big, fat — ummmmm — self into the seat.
Mostly I haven’t had to depend on speed to handle big guys who grimace at me. The Lord gave me a mouth, and that’s usually enough to get me out of jams that my mouth got me into in the first place. So I decided I’d better talk to this guy. (Find out if he’s hungry, at least.)
It turns out he was from Georgia, and couldn’t wait to get back home to find out if the tornado that tore up that part of Georgia got his home. He did seem mostly upset about the local Walmart store getting destroyed. “Thet torndo rapped the saling raght offen the play-us.”
Huh? I’m getting deaf in my old age — or as the old folks in Iowa used to say it — “deef,” — so it was impossible with the din of the airplane in the background to know for sure what it was he just said.
So I smiled and nodded. Then I shook my head side to side, just to make sure I had the proper reaction included. He seemed to think I was sympathetic, and I seemed to think maybe he wouldn’t steal my airline peanuts if and when they ever brought any.
He then said: “Mebb’et’s true thet ol’ roooov’re go-on. I jest hop’n my tars din’t git hurt.”
Okay, I had to think on this one a while. I decided to throw out a feeler and replied: “Might they-of?” (See how quick I pick up a foreign language?)
So he proceeded to describe his pick-up truck, upon which he had just spent an undisclosed amount of money in new tars. (Tires.) He went on to muse that maybe they were almost big enough to float, should the tornado have dropped that much rain.
About then the stewardess delivered peanuts. I offered him mine, but he was so upset with his tars that he couldn’t hardly have et his own.
He got out his cell phone and showed me a picture of his tars; then he showed me a picture of his store. True enough, the ceiling was indeed gone, gone, gone.
He had to get up once to go to the bathroom. You know the size of the bathroom at the back of the plane? And the door into it ain’t hardly a foot wide. I kind of wanted to foller him back air, watch if that worked, him getting hisself in there. (You gotta love that language.)
In the meantime, I ate my peanuts afore he were back.
If airlines need to make more money, they should sell tickets by the pound.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
These are a few changes that I believe need to happen to really help those struggling with obesity
1. Elimination of the words “health food” and “junk food” by people in authority and on food labels. I just want the FACTS. You know like, the fact that the guilt and shame from eating “bad food” like a donut are far worse for weight-loss success than the calories in a donut.
2. Health risk labels on all short-term diet fads that state “Surgeon General Warning: May cause depression, isolation, anxiety, shame, and OBESITY
3. In order to be called a “true” weight-loss expert, you need to have personal experience.
4. On second thought, let's just get rid of the term. There’s no such thing. Especially NOT! those always-skinny "experts" who have NO CLUE of what it’s like to be obese. Besides, these “experts” can’t even agree on what causes obesity or what to do about.
The fact they fight over a direct cause and then find some food group/company to demonize should open your eyes. A direct cause of obesity, really? I thought it was as simple as, “calories IN and calories out”.
But it makes sense when you think about it, they need to talk out of both sides of their mouth in order to profit. They need a bad-guy, a demon, in order to sell us the cure. BUT! they also want us to remember that it’s ultimately our lack of willpower and our fault when we inevitably fail.
You can also think of it this way. If there truly was an authoritative “weight-loss expert”, why the heck are we getting more and more overweight? Either they have no clue or they are purposely making us fatter. And, if it’s just as simple as calories in and calories out, why do we need diets or weight-loss experts?
I’m not big on believing conspiracy theories but I do think it's quite interesting when you see the decade to decade obesity stats. The epidemic starts taking off in the 1980’s and then hit’s full throttle through the 1990’s.
Most of the time people will then show you the stats of carb/sugar intake, as it also skyrocketed during the same time. This increase was mainly due to food processing AND B.S. public health warnings about eating animal and/or natural saturated fat.So good essential fat was replaced with non-essential processed carbs and sugar. The 1980’s is the epic beginning of why #1 on my list of changes is, for companies to stop labeling food non-essential food as healthy and for clueless authorities to stop telling us what we like to eat is “junk”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an anti-carb guy. I’ve personally lost weight on the 80’s low-fat diets. But carbs and fat are only the parts of the real issue which are too many calories. What really happened was calorie intake skyrocketed along with the carbs, which should have been pretty obvious.
Now, the part that I find “quite interesting” is that the 80’s & 90’s was also the takeoff of the diet industry as we know it today.
Now, I can’t speak for you, but I didn’t go on my first diet after I was labeled obese by my doctor. I started when I was technically just overweight. Then, several years and about a dozen diets later, I was no longer labeled obese but now I had the distinction of morbidly obese.
Now, I’m definitely going more correlation because no one can prove causation, but it makes you think right?
Diets being a cause of obesity!? It’s downright scandalous!!
Do I really think that dieting made me obese?
Well, from my own experience, diets created only short-term weight loss and a slowdown of my metabolism and my cravings increasing and I can definitely say that diet failure would often lead to an immense amount of depression, isolation, anxiety, and shame.
But, I’m not answering the question.
Would I say that dieting caused me to become obese?
You want answers?
Well, let’s see if you can handle the truth?
The truth is, dieting did NOT make me obese.
I made myself obese.
It was all me.
I had to take full responsibility for my past and present to believe that I can create a new future. Blaming my situation on anything else is just telling myself that I never had and never will have control over my weight.
Let me tell you with full sincerity and love that, you can’t place the blame of your circumstances on anyone or anything.
With full authority, YOU have to BE IN CONTROL if you want to kick obesity’s BIG stupid ass once and forever.
I will also tell you with joy and excitement that, YOU CAN DO IT!
If I, a lazy, donut loving, and lifelong dieter can go from obese to a six-pack, why can’t you?
Of course, you can do this!
Your new life starts with a dream, and then that dream becomes a vision and that vision combined with hope get’s you on your path. However, the path is never easy and you be forced to persevere. Each time you do, every small victory, your belief in yourself grows stronger. It’s in those tough moments that the tide begins to change to your side.
If there is a “key” to long-term success, it is perseverance, your unwillingness to give up. And when you REFUSE to quit, your dream will start becoming your reality.
Believe me when I say that, “this battle is NOT won at the dinner table nor is it won at the gym, This war is fought and victory is had inside your head.”
God Bless!
-- Russell Branjord
Author of Spike Diet and Obesityslayer
Author of Spike Diet and Obesityslayer
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The Long and Winding Road to Publish Spike Diet X
SPIKE DIET X is Now Available on Amazon
Spike Diet X:
From Obese to a Six-Pack: How I Escaped "Diet Hell"
Paperback 246 pages
ASIN: 1542329434
ISBN-13: 978-1542329439
Order SPIKE DIET X on Amazon
It's been 10 years since I first published Spike Diet as an eBook hence the "X" in the title. I thought SPIKE DIET X was cooler than "SPIKE DIET 10 years later" and I'm a nerd that likes Roman numerals.
My eBook was then picked by a local publishing company in 2008 and officially released as a paperback book in 2009. SPIKE DIET actually did okay despite its low production value and zero marketing dollars. It even showed up on the top 100 sales chart for weight loss books on Amazon a few times. While not huge, it was enough to get the publisher's attention.
In 2011 the same publisher approached me about writing a new book. He promised this one would be bigger and better and we’d have real PR and marketing. Of course, I said “yes!”
The plan was to release my new book in October of 2012; all I had to do was write my book and finish by the deadline, they’d take care of everything else.
I couldn’t hold back the excitement and I didn’t want to hold it back! So despite some worries that this was too good to be true. I went ahead and told everyone; friends, family, colleges, strangers walking by on the street.
By the spring I was done with my book and it was going on to a few months of editing and other behind the scenes stuff. The publisher put the manuscript into some review process and the initial reviews I read were very positive.
Then, as if I couldn’t be even more excited, the PR firm sent me my itinerary for a 12 city launch tour! I had my future in my hands, quite literally. My future was going to begin at the Barnes & Noble on 5th Ave in New York and finish several weeks later in Los Angeles. Each city had network TV appearances and signings at their biggest bookstores. At this point, I could hardly sleep and I was counting down the days.
Well, as I’m sure you could have guessed, that "amazing future" began crashing down.
I guess I am thankful that it crashed down before I was on the plane.
When summer hit, everything with this cooled down. I stopped getting calls and emails with updates. At first, I thought that we’re just at the point where we wait, so I did. Another week and more nothing. So I called the publisher and the phone just rang. I emailed him and days went by with no response. The PR firm called me and asked if I’d been able to get a hold of the publisher because they weren’t returning her calls either. I asked if I should be worried and she said, probably not, she’d make some calls to find the scoop for the both of us.
Well, there was no need to find it because the scoop found me. One of the publisher’s designers, whom I became friends with during the process, called me to say that he was just laid-off and I need to call the owner asap. I told him that I’d been trying for weeks with no luck. He gave me another number and said I should call as soon as we hang up. So, I immediately called the new secret number and he answered! I could tell that he was surprised it was me. He started by saying he was sorry, then proceeded to tell me that his company was in the process of filing bankruptcy. Everything we’d been working for; the tour, TV appearances and my book, they’re finished, he said, and he’s sorry but there’s nothing he could do. I wanted to be angry with him but I couldn’t. I could tell he was in tears as we spoke and I realized that his dream came crashing down with mine. I didn’t know what to say, I was heartbroken and on the verge of a panic attack. After the initial shock wore off, a feeling of loss and embarrassment took over. I didn’t want to give up yet because I couldn’t face it. So I became desperate! Willing to do anything, even sell my soul if it came to it.
I thought if I found a new publisher or new investor quickly we could still follow the current plan and make it all happen!
The dream was still alive!
Then I got a call back from a publisher and he seemed interested. He quickly lost interest when he asked me if I had a signed letter granting the rights of the book back to me. The bankrupt publisher still owned the rights to my book.
Dream now dead again.
I didn’t get the legal rights back until the following year and by then it was too late. The momentum and hype were completely dead. I didn’t have any options in front of me and I was too hurt to try it all over again.
So honestly, I didn’t even care that I got the rights back. I didn’t care because quite frankly, I quit!
I gave up on this ridiculous dream! Who did I think I was anyway?
I felt stupid for even hoping that something that amazing would happen to me. It was about time I faced the truth. I was born to live an ordinary life and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Now, almost 5 years later I realized the sad irony of the situation. I gave up on this dream as I gave up on my dream to lose weight. I wasn’t born to live an ordinary life just as I wasn’t born to be fat. I naively chose these lives.
I refuse to quit! No matter how long it takes.
I’m not used being so worried about being made fun of. I totally wimped out. I’m sorry. I used to say that my skin was as thick as the body-fat beneath it. I can thank the bullies for that after years of desensitization. Well, I guess with the weight gone I lost my immunity for a while.
The truth is, I know releasing this book, not professionally edited and without a publisher and their “final touches”, I am opening myself up to ridicule for errors. But I also know I can’t afford a professional editor or afford more time. If I use that excuse I’d just sit on this book for another 5 years. So be warned, this book will have grammatical mistakes. I also tend to ramble and I’m pretty sure I rambled a few too many times in this book. Yet, I’m not waiting for another proof-reader so go ahead and call me “The Rambler”, it's okay.
Yeah, some may snicker and talk behind my back because they think I’m either crazy or an idiot or possibly even a crazy idiot, to believe that my book could actually make a difference. I’m willing to take that risk.
I also know I will once again be able to read my name next to the word “broscience” on message boards. Look don't get me wrong, I love fitness groups and forums. Most of the time they are extremely helpful and motivating. But sometimes the dieting message boards can become a bit brutal! The truth is, when people disagree they tend to get angry, but when they disagree over diets they can get downright nasty. I think we are loyal to our diets like we are to our sports teams. So don’t you dare say your team is better than mine! If you’ve been on them, you know what I’m talking about. Now I’m rambling again.
Anyway, I don’t care what the “hangry” people say anymore. I’ll happily be someone’s “broscience fool” if I’m another’s inspiration. The truth is, even if my book only helps one person transform their life, then I can say that any ridicule today and from my childhood was worth it. That was my purpose and what I forgot when I was so focused on 5th Ave New York.
I am very excited to finally hand over the book I wrote for you 5 years ago.
God Bless,
Russell Branjord
Spike Diet X,
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Peanut Butter Cup Pie That is Delicious and Healthy
* One Cup of Peanut Butter
* 2 Scoops of Vanilla Protein Power
* 1/4 Cup of Chocolate Chips
*2 TBSP of Coconut Oil
*Combine Peanut Butter, Protein Powder and 1 TBSP of Chocolate Chips
Pack into a round cake shape and Set it in the Refrigerator
*In a Separate Bowl, Slowly Heat Remaining Chocolate Chips and Coconut Oil. Stir until it smooth and also set it in the Refrigerator for about 10 minutes.
(The Coconut Oil/Chocolate Mixture Will Solidify like a Chocolate Bar if left cold too long.
* Simply top the Peanut Butter Pie with the Chocolate and enjoy.
You can place the PB Pie back in cold place to harden the chocolate coating.
*To add a PB Fudge Topping. Warm 1 TBSP of Peanut Butter with 1/2 TBSP of Coconut Oil just like the Chocolate.
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